Carlos Arredondo's Fabula
For A Better Understanding of Latin America


UN General Assembly 1983 About Chile

The United Nations was ‘the’ international forum where the battle for the restoration of Chilean democracy was fought with passion. There were many countries which did not support the excesses of the Dictatorship. There were also many countries which give support to the Pinochet regime: The United States, Israel, and the UK, especially under the Government of Margaret Thatcher. Under her government Pinochet was attended, as an ordinary patient at the Western General Hospital of Edinburgh in October 1996. His doctor was a personal friend of an Edinburgh consultant and was worried about a lung complaint on a visit to Britain. The General was registered under his first two names Augusto Ugarte, given some routine tests and sent to a chemist in Shandwick Place for a non-prescription medication.

Naciones Unidas ‘fue’ el foro más importante para condenar los excesos de la dictadura y vemos que hubo países que siempre se opusieron a la dictadura en Chile, otros, como los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos, Israel y especialmente Margaret Thatcher en el Reino Unido, dieron amplio apoyo al dictador. Durante el Gobierno de Thatcher, Pinochet fue atendido en Octubre de 1996 como un paciente cualquiera en un hospital de Edimburgo: The Western General Hospital. El Pueblo británico en general, siempre tuvo repugnancia por lo sucedido en Chile bajo la dictadura. Los comités de solidaridad en todo el Reino Unido dan constancia de este hecho. Los refugiados chilenos en el Reino Unido son el producto de esta inmensa solidaridad.

© Carlos Arredondo 2007